
Port Traffic
Vessels incoming to Tarragona Port must contact with "Tarragona Traffic", VHF 16/74, sucha as:
- Dry Cargo Vessels: One hour or ten miles before arrival to Tarragona roads.
- Dangerous Cargo Vessels:Two hours or twenty miles before arrival to Tarragona roads.
During the navigation from this first contact up to arrival to the four miles circle from the entrance, vessels will maintain continuous listening watch on VHF 74 (Tarragona Traffic).
When vessel approaching to the four miles circle - Pilotage area- will contact with Tarragona Pilots in VHF 14, who will give him instructions about the position for embarking pilot.
As soon as the vessel passes the four miles circle, will maintain continuous listening watch on VHF 14 (Tarragona Pilots).
Vessels want to go out of port will have to call Tarragona Pilos VHF 14 one hour before the effective moment to commence maneouver.
Depending on the conditions of the traffic, Tarragona Pilot will indicate to the vessel that should return to call Tarragona Pilot, when totally ready to commence maneouver, or twenty minutes before.
Once Pilot disembarked, during the navigation of the vessel in the pilotage area - circle of four miles - will be permanently listening watch on VHF 14 (Tarragona Pilots), which will inform him permanently about the situation of the traffic in that area.
Before the vessel arrival to the circle of four miles, Tarragona Pilots will indicate him that should change to the channel of work of Tarragona Traffic VHF 74, and contact with same one, passing from this moment to be controlled for Tarragona Traffic until will be out of the port waters.
Anchored Vessels
Vessels proceeding to anchorage will contact with Tarragona Traffic VHF 74 requesting a position to drop anchor.
Once dropped anchor will inform to Tarragona Pilots VHF 14 and to Tarragona Traffic VHF 74 about the hour and position of anchoring.
From this moment will maintain continuous listening watch on:
- Tarragona Pilots VHF 14 to receive instructions on his prospects.
- Tarragona Traffic VHF 74 to receive any other class of information.
Other Information
In case of emergency on board, the following stations are on permanent duty 24 hours.
- Tarragona Traffic VHF 74
- Tarragona Pilots VHF 14
Vessels in the port have to follow the instructions given by Port Emergency Plan Authorities unless they have contradictory safety reasons which then have to be inmediately reported to the authorities.
Vessels are requested to inform the aforementioned reporting stations any pollution observed on port waters.
Special Operations
Special operations like launching lifeboats, cleaning, rinsing or painting of the hull, diving operations, main engine inmobilisation, hot Works and other must be permitted by port authorities. It is recommended applying for permission trough Agents in advance before arriving.
Compulsory for vessels over 500 GT.
Tugs and linesmen
Tugs and linesmen asístanse be ordered by Pilot Station.